Resources include:
Long banner spelling ‘What are we doing today?’
38 visual cue cards showing pupils what lessons and activities they will be doing today – such as painting, maths, reading, role plays etc
A range of folder and workbook covers, great for labelling teaching files or pupil workbooks
Draw and resources labels to match above – each with the topic name and an associated picture
Drawer labels for equipment – such as pens, pencils, paper etc
Blank name tags to label drawers for pupils work or label clothes pegs / lunch boxes etc
Several sets of badges and certificates.
A4 lettering to head display – spelling ‘CLASSROOM HELPERS!’, A4 title pages, jobs cards, large lettering, display borders and backing paper, pupil name cards to fill in, etc
Classroom rules poster pack – 9 A4 posters showing different classroom rules – including a title poster – rules such as putting your hand up, sharing equipment etc
Classroom areas poster pack – 11 A4 posters showing different areas of the classroom, great for encouraging children to be in the right place with painting, food etc
People in areas poster pack – 4 A4 posters showing children how many people can be in each area – such as 2 people (for the sand box) etc
Hygiene posters for hands and toilets, dinner place mat with table manners included.
Large lettering and long banners.
13 A4 posters showing speech bubbles with ‘hello’ in different languages with the corresponding flags and country name
‘Together We’ poster pack – showing 21 A4 posters each with multicultural children doing different activities together “Together we…..use the computer” etc
A4 posters for each month – with colourful hot air balloons, clouds to add to display, animal posters for months, long banner, bunting, badges, cards to make, certificates to give out in assembly, Counting cards with candles, colourful gifts pictures, and other birthday resources
This is a great information and learning pack about bullying, including information packs, statistics and examples, activities, posters etc.
There are many tasks for pupils to complete as well as everything you need to make a great bullying display.
There are over 30 files all together.
Posters included on the disc include:
1.Alphabet flashcards – upper and lower case letters on different fruits
2.Alphabet poster
3.Sight word posters
4.Alphabet flashcards a-z of multicultural children's faces
5.Number square 1-100
6.Number poster with cute animals to count 1-20
7.Shapes poster for younger children
8.Shapes poster for older children
9.Times tables poster with different designs for girls and boys
10.Diversity poster – showing the diversity quote and images of children with different skin tones.
11.Welcome poster with images of different children of different skin tones
12.‘Together we’ poster – showing multicultural children doing different activities together
13.No smoking policy poster
14.Fire exit signs
15.Fire evacuation procedure poster
16.5 a Day - shows different food and vegetables and portion sizes.
17.Feelings poster
18.How to wash your hands poster
19.Healthy snacks poster
20.Now wash your hands poster to be displayed in toilets
21.Activity planner – to list daily activities on for the week.
22.11 area signs – showing where different things take place – such as toilet signs, painting area signs, play area etc
23.Activity posters – showing how many children should take part in each activity
24.Reward charts – different designs for boys and girls
25.Reward charts templates for children to make themselves
26.Certificates for children for good behaviour etc
27.Animals poster
28.Colours poster
29.Days of the week flashcards
30.Months flashcards
31.Numbers 1-31 flashcards
32.Years flashcards
33.Weather chart with dates, days, months and years cards to be added to the weather chart daily
34.Weather symbols cards to be added to the chart
35.Clothes images to be added to the chart
Resources include:
1.Alphabet mats
2.2 in case of emergency posters
3.Alphabet flashcards
4.Alphabetical order worksheet
5.Acrostic poem
6.Anagram worksheet
7.Card matching games
8.A4 fire fighters badge
9.5 in a row addition game
10.Safety checklist
11.Smoke alarms save lives poster
12.Smoke alarm safety poster
13.Story board template
14.10 multicultural face masks
15.Writing borders
16.Fire safety booklet cover
17.Signs to put up in your role play fire station – showing different areas of the fire station,
18.Parking bay signs
19.Treasure hunt game
20.Word mat
21.Hand writing practice sheet
22.4 word searches
23.Thought and speech bubbles
24.Binder, folder, draw, resources labels
25.Fire safety counting booklet
26.Cut and stick the parts of a fire engine craft task
27.Cut colour and stick – make your own fire fighter task
28.Design your own fire fighter badge
29.Bingo game
30.Colouring pages
31.Emergency checklist
32.Fire exit signs
33.Fire safety diary
34.Make your own hand puppet
35.Fire marshal of the day poster
36.Fire safety bookmarks
37.Rules of fire safety leaflet and discussion booklet
38.Tic tac toe game
39.Fire station sign
40.Equipment checklist
41.Fire officers hand puppets
42.Fire fighter ID cards
43.Incident reports
44.Key word flashcards
45.Top tips flashcards
46.Useful images to add to display
47.‘test the door for heat’ door hanger
48.Break glass panel to display
49.Fire extinguisher large image to display
50.Smoke alarm A4 size to display
51.Fire alarm directions signs
52.No smoking sign
53.Number flashcards 1-20
54.Photo pack
55.Noun poster
56.Verbs poster
57.Adjectives poster
58.Resources sack tag
59.A4 lettering to head display spelling ‘Fire Safety’
60.Long banner saying ‘Fire safety’
61.Display borders
62.Fire fighter badges for role play
Resources included are as follows:
•Alphabet letters with mini robots inside (A4)
•Numbers 0-9 with mini robots inside (A4)
•Question mark, exclamation mark, comma and full stop with mini robots inside (A4)
Resources included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
70 A4 posters showing different fruits and vegetables. Each poster has a photo of the food and some basic information about them.
12 A4 Posters showing each vitamin from A-K; explaining the benefits of the vitamin, the issues caused by not having enough of it, and the food that it can be found in.
Photo pack of fruits and vegetables.
6 smoothie recipes, A4 size.
Acrostic poem to complete, food diary, all about fruit and veg booklet to fill in, mind map, research task, 2 word searches, writing frames, writing booklet cover to make into project, sentence writing sheet, shopping list to complete, vitamins food planning task, make a mobile, make a collage, pass the fruit game.
Display materials including borders, backing paper, large lettering to spell ‘fruit and vegetables’, decorated letters with a fruit a veg design to spell ‘5 per day’, long banner to head wall display, sack tag.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
15 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom
Each poster shows a different way to be responsible.
All posters can be seen in the cover picture.
Posters can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Resources included are as follows:
15 PDF files for you to print.
A range display materials to make an attractive display to remind children about their noise levels.
A3 voice levels chart as seen on advertisement photo
Extra large voice levels display – each level on an A4 sheet
Large numbers to display around the room with matching pictures – great to put with different activities to indicate the noise needed in this area.
Alternative version on posters for around the room with low ink capacity
Small numbers for display
Large letters to head display
Long banner for title
A4 title page
Table top noise levels reminder
Writing sheets to write about each noise level – great for all your class or for specific children
Writing and drawing frames
Display border
Bookmarks for silent reading
This is a great pack of resources with tasks and display posters about behaviour – including topics such as taking responsibility for your actions, breaking the law, not following your friends, following instructions etc. There are several tasks for pupils to complete such as time out cards, running tasks, writing tasks etc.
Display titles and borders are also included to add to your display.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF or PPT files for you to print.
A large range of inspiration posters, great to make a display around your classroom.
Excellent resource to use with your Growth Mindset topic as well as to motivate pupils with low self esteem.
Posters included are as follows:
PDF files for you to print
Extra large letters to head wall display
21 A4 colourful posters showing multicultural children doing different things, such as watering the plants, colouring in, creating art, learning the alphabet etc. The writing on each poster starts with 'Together we...' then is completed by the activity that the children are doing.
Resources included on the disc are as follows:
PDF files for you to print.
A great signpost to display around your classroom or school. All the words shown on the picture are included – 20 in total. All signs are based around fun and learning.
Chose to display just a few signs or all of them. You could make one signpost or several depending on the display area.
Each sign is half an A4 in size landscape. You can print smaller by selecting options on the printer screen or photocopy them larger.
Also includes display borders in stripes and spots, as well as a welcome bunting banner and patterned buntings, ‘have a great day’ sign and ‘well done, see you tomorrow’ sign.
Resources included are as follows:
150 word searches in pdf format for you to print time and time again
Covers a range of topics from stories, to maths, science, geography, history, food, seasonal, role play topics etc.
Suitable mostly for upper key stage 1 and key stage 2 but could be used for any ages.
Varying levels of difficulty.
Classic game of What am I? with a Christmas and winter theme to all the words.
Instructions are included for children and staff to read.
The game is played by a player selecting a card, showing the other players the card and guessing the word on the card by asking questions. There are also alternative instructions for playing the game in reverse where the player is asked questions by a larger group.
Resources included are as follows:
Pdf files for you to print
150 A6 flashcards of Christmas and winter related words…
Instructions to play the game in pairs, small groups and larger groups.
Great for a quick activity on the run up to Christmas.
Good fun and a way of improving communication and thinking skills.
The cards could be printed and used for other games such as memories airs, snap, treasure hunt etc.
An alternative version to the traditional song. Great for younger children to sing or act out
Includes 12 colourful posters – one for each day in the song.
Great for display or for singing. Can be printed or used on IWB.
Also includes 12 colouring pages ad 12 drawing pages so children can create their own artwork for the song or just use as a gap fill activity.
A great set of 20 A4 language posters with pictures and words in 4 different languages – Polish, German, Spanish and French.
Items are as follows:
Pen, pencil, markers, crayons, ruler, rubber, sharpener, calculator, paper, book, table, chair, door, window, computer, keyboard, mouse, board, shelves, classroom, school.
Resources included are as follows:
PDF file for you to print.
8 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom
Can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Resources included are as follows:
12 PDF AND PPT files for you to print.
12 games all with a Halloween theme.
Dice games, board games, bingo, cards games etc
Great for Early Years to Key Stage 2
Instructions included in full where needed
Perfect for a Halloween themed day or for setting up game stations around the classroom
Resources included are as follows:
PDF OR PPT files for you to print.
12 A4 rules posters to display in your classroom.
1 title page poster ‘FOLLOWING RULES’
All posters can be seen in the cover picture.
Posters can also be used on the whiteboard at the beginning of the term to refresh rules with pupils and set standards.
Also includes large lettering to head wall display.
Great resources for younger learners.